

Cat Yoga Is Perfect for People Who Like Cats More Than Yoga


Many people may recognize Meow Parlour as the highly popular “cat café” that recently opened in New York on the Lower East Side. Something they probably don’t know, though, is why it now closes its doors to the coffee house crowd for an hour and a half every Tuesday for a new reason. Though the space is normally used as a place for people to socialize with adoptable cats while enjoying their cat-themed snacks and beverages, this time is dedicated to a new trend known as Cat Yoga. Each hour-and-a-half class consists of 30 minutes of cat bonding, 45 minutes of yoga, and 15 minutes of saying good-bye to your newfound feline friends. In order to avoid any problems with the Health Department, Meow Parlour actually has two locations: a boutique-style bakery where the food and drinks can be purchased and the main location. This is where the cats are housed and customers are welcome to bring their just-bought goodies and lounge with their furry companions – and now they can participate in a fun new fitness class that includes their favorite pets.

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